Research Areas

Research at Prevest Research Institute:

Research serves as the foundation for both standardization efforts and the advice and suggestions given to the public, health care professionals, regulatory and authorities. We collaborate with institutes and universities and supervise guest researchers with pharmacy, dentistry, engineering, chemistry, materials science and biology backgrounds. Currently, the group is comprised of Dental professionals, Masters, Technicians, Engineers, and PhD graduates from diverse science and engineering disciplines.

Prevest Research Institute focuses on developing new products to address unmet clinical needs especially in dentistry, and emerging areas in bone and tissue engineering. Projects broadly falls in material science, toxicology, microbiology, and other clinically relevant research. Prevest Research Institute facilities, structures, and practices are well recognized globally as a result of the visionary approach of the Management to fulfill objectives with long-term scientific relevance.

Medical Device Division:

Biomaterials are used to replace or repair damaged organs or tissues. Biomaterials have special properties that allow them to be used without being rejected by the body. Biomaterials are of  synthetic and natural groups. Biodegradable polymers, non-biodegradable polymers, ceramics, and metals come under the category of synthetic biomaterials.

In Prevest Research Institute, biomaterial research is carried out in partnership with academic institutions, research centers, and the public dentistry service. Biomaterials science research focuses on bioceramics, bioactive glasses, composites, membranes, grafts, dental cements, gels, glass ionomer, dental composites, grafts, 3D-printed polymeric and composite materials and oral care products such as tooth pastes, mouth washes, tablets and medical device disinfectants.

Microbiology & Toxicology:

Microbiology is the study of microorganisms. Microorganisms with a diameter of 1 mm or less are part of microbiology. It is a large and complex field of study, whereas toxicology is the study of poison. Poisons are any physical or chemical agents that produce adverse responses in biological organisms.

Our research group focuses on the safe use of biomaterials. We explore how oral biomaterials affect host-microbe interactions, affecting patient health. Based on our research, we check how the biomaterials interact with the oral cavity through cellular and molecular mechanisms. Research outcomes provide insight into clinical challenges and solutions.

Oral Care Health Oriented Research Faction:

Oral health is the health of the teeth, gums, and oral-facial system. Cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer are common diseases that impact oral health. Good oral hygiene and dietary habits are essential for overall well-being. The aim of this research group is to conduct clinical and laboratory research on dental biomaterials. This group comprises dental health care professionals, tehnicins, and Pharma Scientists.

We are having national and international research collaborations in public health. Our research involves collaboration with other institutions, research bodies, and educational institutions. Prevest Research Institute is leading a research network group with representatives from many reputed dental and medical care institutions.

Microbiological Research Laboratory:

Microbiology is a specialized area of biology that deals with the study of microorganisms. Roughly speaking, organisms with a diameter of one mm or less are microorganisms and fit into the broad domain of microbiology. Microbiology is one of the largest and most complex of the biological sciences, as it deals with many diverse biological disciplines. In addition to studying the natural history of microbes, it also deals with every aspect of microbe-human and environmental interaction. The microorganisms may be seen only by magnifying their images with the microscope. The study of microorganisms employs certain techniques, such as sterilization and the use of culture media, which are required to isolate and grow them.

World Health Organisation (WHO) had identified the globally most of the dental care products resistant to pathogens, which requires the development of new dental care products urgently. Microbiology Research Laboratory of Prevest Research Institute is fully equipped with facilities for antimicrobial testing. The Antimicrobial Research Team of Prevest Research Institute is working on these priority pathogens, namely, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans using Microbial Limit Test (MLT) in raw materials, finished products, and packing materials, gram staining, motility of microorganisms, and water analysis.

In Microbiology, the Microbial Limit Test is the most widely accepted method. In Microbial Limit tests, the total viable aerobic count is analysed using the pour plate method. The results are

presented as CFU/g (colony forming units per gram) for a solid sample and CFU/ml (colony forming unit per millilitre) for liquid using an automated colony counter.

The Microbiological Research Laboratory of Prevest Research Institute uses the Pour plate method, Streak Plate method, and spread plate method for microbial growth analysis. Gram staining and motility of microorganisms are analyzed using compound microscope and fluorescent microscope.

Research on Human Cell Line:

For Research investigation, human cell lines are commonly used. By signalling route, tissues, and species, there are more than 4,000 cell lines accessible.

In Prevest Research institute, researchers use the in-vitro pyrogen testing method to measure the cytokines from monocyte cells (WB, PBMCs, or MM6 cell lines) by using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) plates that includes monoclonal antibodies specific for either IL-β or IL-6. TLR4 is the most powerful pyrogen that is present on the outer membrane of the Gram-negative bacteria. By comparing the values of the endotoxin produced by WB cells when exposed to the test substance to those produced when exposed to an internationally standardised Reference Standard Endotoxin, the amount of bacterial endotoxin is calculated (RSE). A product is considered to be pyrogenic if the endotoxin concentration exceeds the Endotoxin Limit Concentration (ELC) for the test substance using an ELISA Plate Reader.

Zebra Fish Facility – Toxicological study on Zebra fish:

Fish have long been thought to be reliable indicators of ecological and environmental integrity. The zebra fish is a small tropical freshwater fish native to the streams of the Southern Himalayan region that prefers slow-moving water bodies. Zebra fish and humans’ share 70% of the same genes, and 80% of the human genes known to be associated with human disease have a Zebra fish counterpart. Organs and tissues of major importance are also common.

Because zebra fish eggs are fertilised and develop outside of their mothers’ bodies, they are an excellent model organism for studying early development.To maintain the water quality required for a healthy aquatic environment, zebra fish are kept in a circulating system that continuously filters and aerates the system water. The circulating system also aids in the filtering of excess food and fish excrement.

At Prevest Research Institute, researchers use Zebra fish for toxicological study. Zebra fish is a popular model organism due to its small size, low cost, diverse adaptability, short breeding cycle, high fecundity, and transparent embryos. Zebra Embryo Toxicity (ZET) is a more humane and valuable toxicity testing platform than adult zebra fish testing. The micropipette is inserted into the mouth and pharynx of zebra fish to administer a test suspension, ensuring it does not regurgitate. Optical clarity enables toxicological analysis.