Prevest Research Institute possesses A Premium High Resolution Tabletop SEM, Model: SNE-4500M Plus(B). The system is having a resolution of 5.0nm at 30kV for SE Image and the magnification ranges from 20X – 150,000X. The accelerating voltage can be varied in 6 steps from 1 – 30kV. The instrument is well equipped with Secondary Electron Detector (SE) which provides images with surface topography in fine detail and a Backscattered Electron Detector (BSE) which provides images with contrast based on atomic weight as brightness also follows the atomic number of elements. SE, BSE image scan can be displayed in independent or merged form. The system is also having a CCD based navigation system for top- view and for multiple sample imaging. The observation mode can be Standard Mode (High Vacuum) or Charge-up reduction mode (Low Vacuum).

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a method for high-resolution imaging of surfaces. The SEM uses electrons for imaging, much as a light microscope uses visible light. The advantages of SEM over light microscopy include much higher magnification (>100,000X) and greater depth of field up to 100 times that of light microscopy. Qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis information is also obtained using an attachment of energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer (EDS) with the SEM. The SEM generates a beam of incident electrons in an electron column above the sample chamber. The electrons are produced by a thermal emission source, such as a heated tungsten filament, or by a field emission cathode. The energy of the incident electrons can be as low as 100 eV or as high as 30 keV depending on the evaluation objectives. The electrons are focused into a small beam by a series of electromagnetic lenses in the SEM column. Scanning coils near the end of the column direct and position the focused beam onto the sample surface. The electron beam is scanned in a raster pattern over the surface for imaging. The beam can also be focused at a single point or scanned along a line for x-ray analysis. The beam can be focused to a final probe diameter as small as about 10 Å.